ān mín gào shì
【成語來源出自哪里】--清 黃小配《洪秀全演義》第25回:“李秀成全不費力,已拔了南康城……先出安民告示,次第收復汝寧、饒州各郡縣?!?br/>
(1) the sheriff immediately ordered his subordinates to draw up a notice for the people's livelihood, paste it outside the north gate, and hang the tiger's paw beside the notice for public display.
(2) there are two notices pasted at the east gate. One is a placard for the people, which reads "notice on the execution of red bandits, fake Fujian Jiangxi military region Shao Wei and other criminals". On the notice, a row of people's names are written, and they are all crossed with red ink.
(3) go down immediately and put up a placard to maintain the order in the city. If anyone disobeys the military discipline, no matter who it is.
(4) close the city gate, no one is allowed to enter or leave without my order, put up placards everywhere, strictly enforce military discipline, and deal with those who dare to harass the people by military law! In addition, open the official warehouse to relieve the poor people in the city!
(5) placards were posted in the community